Faith of the early CMS missionaries to New Zealand : a selective and annotated bibliography
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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
Contains 172 items about the Church Missionary Society's mission to New Zealand Maori during the early nineteenth century. Published monographs and articles as well as selected archival material from the Alexander Turnbull Library is included. A list of 3 7 theses is included and an author index to the main items are provided. Material is chosen for the light it sheds on the evangelical nature of the missionaries' faith and their motivations in undertaking the work. Separate chapters focusing on 15 missionaries are arranged in chronological order of their arrival in New Zealand. The missionary must have arrived before 1840 and served in excess of thirty years to be included. There is also a separate chapter on documents which give a general overview of the CMS and its workers. Seeks to demonstrate that the missionaries were, in the main, successful in achieving their goal, and although largely misunderstood today, nevertheless are deserving of greater attention and admiration.
Church Missionary Society, Church history, New Zealand, Maori, Christianity