This project is a vehicle to develop a specific response to a specific
site, namely the strip of land along Kent and Cambridge Terraces.
It develops a direction of inquiry into the absence of presence as a
means of revealing traces held within the landscape.
"Research by design" is the research methodology employed to
engage and articulate the specific conditions of the site. The allure
of research by design is that - through drawing - it can offer
an experience of the unspoken.
In that architecture acts as a medium for visually and experientially
resolving thought, this methodology enabled an exploration
to conclude with a physical manifestation that can best be
represented through the act of drawing. As these words pass away,
and the architecture is required to stand alone, this loneliness can
be the truth of a project.
The project proceeds by asserting the presence of the entire site as
it is today within the city and to give a voice - no matter how
silent- to the memorials that have been lost within.
The most obvious approach would be to create a unified podium
upon which the memorials are re-sited, unifying them through a
surrounding commonality. This assumes that the memorials have
a homogenous language, and speak of the same things. But this
approach is too brutal; and in fact the memorials speak of many
different ideas in different ways, in a multitude of voices and narratives.
Instead the podium is is made absent; this inversion creates a commonality
of absence around the memorials, rather than a presence.
The absence begins to erase the many islands, trees, and unthoughtful
pockets of shrubs, which have been planted, allowing
the memorials to gradually assert themselves with the gentlest of
touches. It creates a space of silence between the memorials and a
narrative becomes possible in both time and space, whose presence
was made absent by the everyday.
In acknowledging these multitudes of voices, the project becomes
multi-narrative by definition.