ResearchArchive–Te Puna Rangahau: Recent submissions

  • Sugaya, Minoru (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    View the presentation by Professor Minoru Sugaya, Keio University, Japan at the ISCR lunchtime seminar on 29 March 2012.
  • Durnev, Art; Garfinkel, Jon; Molchanov, Sasha (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    We present evidence that the political orientation of the government (left vs. right) affects corporate performance. We hypothesize that companies within labour-intensive industries polluting industries industries with ...
  • Talosaga, Talosaga; Howell, Bronwyn (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    New Zealand's 30 Electricity Lines Businesses (ELBs) combined hold assets with an estimated value of over $8.8 billion (Commerce Commission 2012). The vast majority of analysis of the New Zealand electricity sector has ...
  • Lippert, Steffen; Fabrizi, Simona (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    We study mobile data providers' pricing strategies and incentives to enter voluntary reciprocal international data roaming agreements. We show that roaming fees and retail prices charged to mobile data users at home and ...
  • Lawson, Rob; Williamson, John; Thorsnes, Paul; Ragnarsson, Eirikur (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    The large-scale roll-out of so-called 'smart' electricity meters that record electricity consumption at frequent intervals gives electricity retailers the opportunity to vary price over the course of a day potentially ...
  • Sağlam, Yiğit (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    In many countries current water-pricing policies are dictated by the sole objective of breaking-even in each period. This results in large withdrawals which are not sustainable in the long-run hence not optimal. In this ...
  • Sağlam, Yiğit (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    Auction models have proved to be attractive to structural econometricians who, since the late 1980s, have made substantial progress in identifying and estimating these rich game-theoretic models of bidder behavior. We ...
  • Sağlam, Yiğit (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2004)
    The paper attempts to estimate a unit labor cost based competitiveness index for Turkey. The trade weighted real effective exchange rate isthe generally used measure of external competitiveness,which at timesmay fail to ...
  • Howell, Bronwyn (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    A subsequent version of this paper was published in the New Zealand Law Journal [2012] NZLJ 108, April 2012. Also, The National Business Review published Bronwyn's update article after Justice Forrie Miller's decision on ...
  • Howell, Bronwyn (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    If the mooted takeover of TelstraClear (TCL) by Vodafone is to go ahead it will be the most significant non-regulatory structural change in the New Zealand telecommunications marketplace since the merger of TelstraSaturn ...
  • Howell, Bronwyn (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    This paper examines issues of the digital divide in each country and discusses similarities and differences in the policies adopted to ameliorate it. The paper presented here is subtitled 'a perspective from New Zealand' ...
  • Boyle, Glenn; Roberts, Helen (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    Conventional wisdom suggests that CEO membership of the compensation committee is an open invitation to rent extraction by self-serving executives. However using data from New Zealand - where CEO compensation committee ...
  • Howell, Bronwyn (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    Bronwyn Howell General Manager ISCR presented Diverse Dimensions of the 'Digital Divide': Perspectives from New Zealand at the session "Digital Divde in Asia-Pacific" at the Keio University Global COE Programme Conference ...
  • Evans, Lewis (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    Comment submitted to the NZ Herald by Lewis Evans in response to the Editorial comment of 11 January 2012.Informed discussion: a benefit of partial privatisation of (electricity) SOEs.
  • Sadowski, Bert (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)
    Torn between State Aid regulations and Public Utility visions the Commission of the European Union (CEU) has been rather inconsistent with respect to next generation access (NGA) networks over the past ten years. As the ...
  • Ji, Xu (Jane); Boyle, Glenn (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)
    We document describe and interpret changes in New Zealand corporate board characteristics between 1995 and 2010 a period centred around the 2003 introduction of the NZX Corporate Governance Best Practice Code. Unsurprisingly ...
  • Daglish, Toby (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)
    Presentation made by Toby Daglish to Otago University on 4 November 2011. Based on a working paper (forthcoming) by Toby Daglish NZ Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation and Lyndon Moore University of Melbourne.
  • de Braganca, Gabriel Fiuza (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)
    The exertion of market power in electricy wholesale markets is an issue of great academic and practical debate. In particular the role of a given amount of hedge on market power has been of considerable interest. However ...
  • Patel, Nimesh; Daglish, Toby (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)
    We examine the decision to prepay a fixed rate mortgage in the UK Canada Ireland Australia and New Zealand. These countries are characterised by having substantial fees which are associated with breaking a fixed rate ...
  • Howell, Bronwyn; Corbett, Susan; Moayyed, Mina (Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)
    The business database is a valuable commodity. However without adequate legal protection the economic incentives required to invest in their creation ongoing updating and maintenance will be absent. The underlying objectives ...

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