Wyllie, Dean2011-10-102022-10-312011-10-102022-10-3119851985https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/26645This report studies the process of facilitating client participation in the initial design stage. In particular it records the process and findings of a case study held with Queen Street Gospel Chapel, Levin, in which I act as a facilitator assisting in the early stages of a building project. This includes getting the project underway, information gathering, design workshop and forming a brief. Summaries of the theories of others on design participation are discussed. This report provides insight into some of the approaches and salient points of client participation and facilitation. It may be of interest to those involved in designing for client groups such as church organizations, or those involved in information gathering and brief forming.pdfen-NZQueen Street Gospel ChapelChurch architectureLevinClient participation in design: a case studyText