Davidson, Jacqueline Clare Paice2013-05-022022-11-022013-05-022022-11-0220062006https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/28947This research was conducted to investigate and determine the current state of end-user records management training: drivers, content and delivery mechanisms. A mixed-methods approach was adopted. An anonymous questionnaire was used to survey records managers in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, The United States and the United Kingdom. Data collected provided information about: respondents collective profile; recordkeeping environment; training provision and frequency; mode of training; training skill development; needs analysis and organisational training support. The result was a snapshot of records management end-user training as at January 2006, which additionally identified triggers for training and training content. The research revealed opportunities for generic training packages, and highlighted the need for records managers to undertake needs analysis and skill assessment training to better support the needs of their end-users.pdfen-NZRecords managementend-user trainingneeds analysistraining skill developmentcomplianceInvestigation to determine the current state of end-user records management training : drivers, content and delivery mechanismsText