Milne, Maureen Ann2011-09-122022-10-302011-09-122022-10-3019891989 student volunteers, selected on the basis of high scores on Spielberger's STAI were assigned to three groups: a group receiving Applied Relaxation training; a group receiving Progressive Relaxation training and a waiting list control group. Self assessment and physiological measures were taken at three points, pre-relaxation training (Week 0), post-relaxation training (Week 8) and three month follow-up (Week 23). The results showed that both treatment groups had significantly lower scores than the control on self-report measures post treatment. No significant differences were observed for the physiological measure at either post-relaxation training or follow-up. The implications of these findings are discussed.pdfen-NZRelaxationPsychologyA controlled comparison of applied and Progressive Relaxation trainingText