Author Retains CopyrightKnight, DeanRamsay, Margot2024-04-182024-04-1820232023 light of political opposition to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill, which seeks to remedy issues resulting from the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, this paper argues that this law reform is crucial. The Bill passed its third reading on the 24th of August 2023 (days before this paper was to be submitted). This passing is a positive step to ensure that communities have a greater say as to when, where and how alcohol is sold in their local areas. The paper addresses the potential risks of the reforms but argues that on the whole, these law changes are necessary to address the current imbalance between community concerns and the alcohol industry in the Aotearoa New Zealand licensing system. Furthermore, this paper makes the argument that District Licensing Committees should aim to adopt an active enabling approach during licensing hearings. Research proves that this approach can allow community members without legal representation to make more effective submissions.pdfen-NZ Law ReformAlcohol LicensingSale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment BillAmplifying community voice in the alcohol licensing system: The importance of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment BillTextAll rights, except those explicitly waived, are held by the AuthorLAWS489