Richards, Thomas Joseph2011-07-132022-10-272011-07-132022-10-2719641964 Oxford philosopher J.F.Thomson has recently published a paper entitled "On Some Paradoxes" J.F.Thomson: "On Some Paradoxes", in Analytical Philosophy, ed. R.J.Butler. 1962, Basil Blackwell, Oxford. which proposes a reduction typo solution of a set of paradoxes which he shows to have the same structure, namely that of the class of all classes paradox of Bertrand Russell. It is not the purpose of this dissertation to examine minutely what Thomson has said, but rather to continue his explorations. The body of this work will be in the form of examining in some detail the application of the solution to each paradox in turn, but while doing so I will be arguing in support of five main points:pdfen-NZParadoxPhilosophyParadoxes isomorphic with Russell's "class of all classes" antinomyText