Krogh, Karen M2011-07-032022-10-262011-07-032022-10-2619791979 in life style, demographic distribution and structure have resulted and been reflected in the emergence of a number of specialised housing needs. The growth of these needs has outpaced the provision of specialised housing forms to cater for them. The result being that in New Zealand while we no longer suffer from a shortage of overall housing stock, the failure to recognise and cater adequately for these specialised needs has resulted in a wastage of resources and frustration of potential in not providing the varied housing required. One such recent shift in housing demand has been the growth of what might conveniently be called the 'Single Young Person' (S.Y.P.) sector.pdfen-NZSingle person dwellingDomestic architectureNew Zealand ArchitectureHousingDomestic architectureSingle people dwellingsHousingSingle young person housing: a survey and discussion of the New Zealand situationText