Jenkins, Adrian Giles2012-07-312022-07-052012-07-312022-07-0520122012 Problem Today, more than ever, library and information centre managers are looking for the best way to motivate their staff and to keep them motivated. One of the easiest ways to do this is by verbally praising or recognising one’s staff, but is it effective? This research report examines the extent to which New Zealand library staff are motivated by verbal praise and recognition from their manager. There is a significant amount of literature on the value of praise and recognition and on motivation of staff in general in other work sectors, but little in the library and information world. What does exist is mostly centred on North America, the UK and Europe. There appears to be no prior research on the value of praise and recognition amongst New Zealand library staff – a gap this research fills. Methodology This quantitative cross-sectional research was conducted by means of an online questionnaire during March 2012. 436 library staff, working under a manager, in a variety of libraries throughout New Zealand, responded. Some of the research sample was gathered by means of purposive convenience sampling, using contacts of the researcher. Other respondents were attained via random sampling. An incentive prize draw was offered to encourage New Zealand library staff to complete the questionnaire. Results The research found that while New Zealand library staff value verbal praise and recognition from their managers, they are more motivated by financial rewards, promotions and professional development opportunities. Words of thanks and acclaim from their manager are welcomed, but this needs to be followed up with something more tangible. When New Zealand library managers do verbally praise their staff, they should ensure that they are sincere in giving praise, and that the praise is timely and specific. They also need to be aware that some staff are uncomfortable with being praised or recognised in public. When praise is given appropriately, it has a significant impact upon many New Zealand library staff, motivating them to look for opportunities to grow in their work, to give more effort to their work and to develop a culture of appreciation in the workplace. Implications With increased knowledge about their staff, managers in New Zealand libraries can act in ways that will increase the motivation of their staff and lead to a positive result for all. This research assists New Zealand library managers better to understand the value of verbal praise and recognition for their staff. It also gives them important tips on how the verbal praise and recognition that they do give, can be most effective. To increase the knowledge bank of New Zealand library staff further, other researchers could do qualitative research to provide a more in-depth understanding of the value of verbal praise and recognition. It would also be interesting to focus on other ways New Zealand library staff are motivated and also to replicate the present research amongst library staff in other countries.pdfen-NZStaff developmentLibrariesPraiseThe Value of Verbal Praise and Recognition Amongst New Zealand Library StaffText