Holmes, Frank2012-12-212022-07-052012-12-212022-07-0520032003https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/18750This paper is a history of discussions, debates and arrangements leading up to the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relationship (CER), which was launched 20 years ago. While a large volume to celebrate the anniversary has been published by the Australian and New Zealand governments, in fact the events covered by this official publication were preceded by another 20 years or so of negotiations, debates and discussions, some unofficial and some official, on both sides of the Tasman. While the author of this policy paper was never an official negotiator, he was a major driving force behind the arguments for a regional free trade area, and this account of what led up to CER has not only historical validity and depth of detail but also personal acuity and insight.pdfen-NZCERAustraliaNew Zealandfree tradeThe Rocky Road to CERTexthttp://igps.victoria.ac.nz/