Author Retains CopyrightBrown, Charlotte Marie2013-05-022022-11-022013-05-022022-11-0220062006 technology presents opportunities for university libraries to support flexible e-learning, research and teaching, through the provision of digital library services. But digital copyright issues may prevent university libraries from providing material in a digital format. This study examined the effect of digital copyright problems on the digital dissemination of information in New Zealand's eight university libraries, by conducting an online survey of those staff involved in the provision of the following digital services: audiovisual services, copyright advice or clearance services, digitization projects, distance/remote services, e-books, e-journals, reserve/e-reserve, interloans/document delivery, database licensing, reference services, and information literacy. Respondents indicated the degree to which uncertainty about digital copyright, the wide range of legal and licensing conditions, and copyright restrictions presented difficulties when attempting to provide material in digital format, and provided examples of the specific problems affecting each service area. The conclusion reached is that the dissemination of material in digital format by New Zealand's university libraries has in many cases been prevented by digital copyright issues. The study also sought to identify particular areas of low digital copyright awareness, and determine whether the university environment was a place where copyright infringement was likely to occur. It was found that additional guidance regarding the appropriate use of copyright works is required to reduce the likelihood of infringement.pdfen-NZ CopyrightDisseminationLicensingNew ZealandUniversity LibrariesDigital copyright and New Zealand university libraries : how do digital copyright issues currently affect the dissemination of information in New Zealand university libraries?TextAll rights, except those explicitly waived, are held by the Author