Gaskin, Kellyanne Naticia2011-10-102022-10-312011-10-102022-10-3120032003 concept of nature sanctuaries is not new, however it is unexplored, especially in context of them being visitor attractions. The recreational use of nature sanctuaries has not been identified in past literature; neither has the perspectives of the visitors and management of the sites that operate as both sanctuary and attraction. This thesis looks at the roles of nature sanctuaries as visitor attractions and examines the conflict, compatibility and compromise issues of the operation of both these roles. Utilising a conceptual framework that encompasses both aspects of sanctuary and attraction along with the external factors that impact on the site, the sites were studied and an analysis made of the supply and demand side of the site. This thesis utilises a comparative method of analysis based on six nature sanctuaries, five located in New Zealand and one in Barbados. Based on a theoretical framework that encompasses both roles of the site, with the underlying question of conflict, compatibility or compromise, data was gathered and analysed both qualitative and quantitatively. A triangulated form of data gathering assisted in ensuring that the research was more holistic in its approach which consisted on background research, survey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. This thesis highlights that the main motivations behind visits to nature sanctuaries are for recreational and educational purposes, and the main markets were, locals, female in the middle age to over 50 age groups. The main enjoyment focused on natural features, animal interaction and educational aspects, highlighting the importance of the natural surroundings and species of the sites. Though the sites operate successfully as both sanctuary and attraction, the success is attributed to management's keen role and efficiency in balancing the roles through enhancing the compatibility, preventing conflict through compromise.pdfen-NZEcotourismNational parks and reservesNatural areasBarbadosNew ZealandThe nature of things: nature sanctuaries as visitor attractions: a comparative analysisText