Falvey, Rodney EGemmell, NormanChang, CherryZheng, Guanyu2014-06-202022-07-062014-06-202022-07-0620142014https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/18835The World Bank's International Comparison Program (ICP) data on national price levels for tradables and non-tradables (and goods compared to services) reveals that New Zealand has relatively high prices of both tradables and non-tradables when compared to a sample of over 40 OECD-Eurostat countries (Gemmell, 2013). The present paper seeks to explain both those observed international variations in non-tradables and tradables prices in general, and New Zealand's especially high prices in particular.pdfen-NZTradablesNon-tradablesConsumer pricesTrade - New ZealandExplaining International Differences in the Prices of Tradables and Non-Tradables (with a New Zealand Perspective)Textwww.victoria.ac.nz/sacl/about/cpf