White, JayneDalli, Carmen2009-04-232022-07-122009-04-232022-07-1220052005https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/21066This paper explores an encounter between public and private worlds in a family day care (home-based early childhood education) network as caregivers and coordinators took part in a process of quality review based on The Quality Journey/He Haeranga whai hua (Ministry of Education, 2000b). The coming together of these worlds into a shared framework supported the participants to investigate a range of diverse values and beliefs.pdfen-NZCopyright is held by individual writers over their own work Publishing rights are held by the Institute for Early Childhood StudiesPreschool servicesEducational accountabilityEarly childhood educationFamily day carePublic Spaces in Private Places: Quality Review in the Context of Family Day CareText