Dashfield, Daphne Lucille2013-03-252022-11-022013-03-252022-11-0220012001https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/28583This research investigates Web search engine (WSE) user evaluation by year 7 and 8 students from three Intermediate Schools in the greater Wellington area. WSE choice is examined from a communications perspective using a modification of Westley and MacLean's model (1957). Focus groups of experienced student WSE users provided some insight into WSE choice by school students. This information was used to survey a larger group of students to confirm the findings. The survey also indicates the relative importance of evaluation criteria and popularity of each WSE with students. Personal recommendation and software and other environmental factors have an effect on students' choice of Web search engine. Most evaluation criteria used by students match those used in research by information professionals. Like adults, school students want relevant results obtained quickly from a search engine that is easy to use. Spelling correction and an ability to easily find video and pictures are also important to school students. Search engines popular in this survey are Google, Yahooligans! and Yahoo!.pdfen-NZWebsearch engineschoolstudentschildrenevaluationTheir choice : school student evaluation of Web search enginesText