Ridley, Geoffrey Stephen2008-07-282022-10-262008-07-282022-10-2619881988https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/24615The genus Amanita is monographed and includes ten species associated with native trees- A. nigrescens, A- australis, A.nothofagi, A. taiepa sp. nov., A. nehuta sp. nov., A. pekeoides sp. nov., A. karea sp. nov., A. pumatona sp. nov., A. pareparina sp. nov., A. mumura sp. nov.; four species associated with exotic trees- A. muscaria, A. phalloides and two poorly known species; six names are excluded. A key to the fourteen accepted species is provided. Data is presented on the seasonality and distribution of the native species in New Zealand. Twelve species were screened for α and β-amanitin using TLC and only A. phalloides gave positive results. Squamanita squarrulosa sp. nov. is described from New Zealand. This is the only species of Squamanita to combine both a fleshy outer universal veil forming a volva limb with an inner universal veil forming squamules on the pileus and stipe. The SEM and light microscope were used to study the surface morphology of thirty-two species of native and one adventive species of Russula occurring in New Zealand. The value of the various basidiospore characters used is discussed and a key, based on these characters, is provided.en-NZAgricalesNew ZealandStudies in White Spored Agarics: the Genera Amanita, Squamanita, and Russula in New Zealand.Text