Tuwhare, HoneDu Fresne, YvonneStone, Robert.Curnow, AllenKidman, FionaStout Research Centre (Wellington, N.Z.). Literary Archive.2013-07-102021-04-132013-07-102021-04-1319861986https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz:443//handle/123456789/10811Readings also from Yvonne du Fresne, Robert Stone and Allen Curnow.Held during the 1st New Zealand International Festival of the Arts, Wellington, 14 March 1986.Recorded by the Stout Research Centre Literary Archive.Chairperson: Fiona Kidman.enNew Zealand poetry--20th century.Oral interpretation of poetry.Writers and readers week poetry readings from Hone Tuwhare ... [et. al.].Sound600-056