Weeks, Kent M2010-11-232022-10-252010-11-232022-10-2519611961https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/22682This is a thesis on political party personnel who are presently full-time employees of both the New Zealand Labour and National parties. It is an impressionistic thesis, an attempt to sift all of the contridictions, stories, interviews, reports, reading, and meetings with which I come in contact throughout my 1960 Fulbright year in New Zealand. There has never been to my knowledge a study of this kind undertaken in New Zealand, nor has there been much of this type of research done on Commonwealth or American parties. The research carried out on New Zealand parties by Brown, Kolson, North, Penfold, and Robinson has not been devoted to the people who are the full-time administers of the two partiespdfen-NZNew Zealand Labour PartyNew Zealand National PartyNew Zealand politicsPolitical party personnel in New ZealandText