Diefenbach, Nina2012-11-212022-11-012012-11-212022-11-0120102010https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/28190This paper is about the regulation of organic agriculture. It deals first with the issues and the present situation with which agriculture must deal. Furthermore it illustrate international organisations at the organic market. As a next step the paper explains the organisation of the organic market in New Zealand and Europe. It describes the regulation systems and the legal requirements as well as the rules for labeling and controle. Furthermore it points out the simularity and the differences of the systems and how they are conected. Finaly the paper rises the question if the present situation of regulation is enough. It will point out the denagour of the present situation and the perspectives.pdfen-NZOrganic agricultureDemeterStandardsThe Regulation of Organics in New Zealand and Europe: A Consideration under International IssuesText