Whenmouth, Keith2011-07-032022-10-262011-07-032022-10-2619781978https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/25022This study is concerned with the social interaction between the residents of two medium-density housing developments and their neighbours who live in traditional low-density suburban dwellings. Interaction between neighbours is used as an indicator of the compatibility of the two different-density developments. Physical and social elements within the two neighbourhoods, which have a possible impact on interaction, were identified by means of a survey of residents in each neighbourhood. The results were then discussed. Several factors which could encourage or inhibit social interaction were established. The author's concluions are in the form of design recommendations for planners and architects involved in housing design. They suggest that the integration of a medium-density housing development into an existing street can be realised if a basic sympathy between it and the existing suburban architecture is achieved.pdfen-NZRow housesDomestic architectureLower HuttThe Integration of medium density housing into the suburban environmentText