Campbell, Duncan2012-01-312022-11-012012-01-312022-11-0119511951 area examined by the writer is directly east of Masterton and extends approximately to within half a mile of Blairlogie. A major portion of the area lies in the Otahoua Survey District while a minor portion in the north-east is in the Mangapakeha Survey District. It includes the central portion of the Taueru Valley, the low ranges of hills bounded to the west by the Ruamahanga River, and the lower part of the Kaumingi Stream. The boundary of the area is shown in Locality Map fig.1. The northern boundary of the field adjoins the southern boundary of the region described and mapped by Ongley (1935). The size of the area investigated is approximately ninety square miles. The Purpose of the investigation was to map the basement rocks of the area in general, the Tertiary rocks in detail, so that from the surface information obtained, the structure and later geological history could be interpreted. This thesis is a further contribution to the geological investigation of the Wairarapa region which is being conducted by the Honours Students of Victoria University College.pdfen-NZGeologyWairarapaNew ZealandThe Geology of an Area East of Masterton, WairarapaText