Thomas, David2011-02-152022-10-252011-02-152022-10-2520042004 study examined the role of the teacher aide within the New Zealand special needs policy; Special Education 2000. A literature review was undertaken covering the areas of inclusion and teacher aides. In the study teachers, teacher aides and school administrators from six schools representing primary, intermediate and high schools took part. Using questionnaires, task/time logs and observations, analysis considered current practice against best practice as described in the professional literature. The analysis revealed that while some elements of current practice were in accordance with the recommendations found in the literature, there were elements of practice that could be seen to be contrary/incompatible with a policy based upon inclusion. Issues regarding the role of the teacher aide within an inclusive education system are discussed. Recommendations for practice are made and areas for further research are suggestedpdfen-NZInclusive educationSpecial educationTeachers' assistantsAn examination of the role of the teacher aide within the special needs policy SE2000Text