Grant-Taylor, Thomas Ludovic2012-01-312022-11-012012-01-312022-11-0119491949 paper will be divided into three main parts: (1) Geomorphology (2) Stratigraphy (3) Petrology. In the section on Geomorphology an attempt will be made to correlate the surface forms to build a comprehensive picture of the Geomorphic tectonic history. The section on stratigraphy is purely descriptive, but in view of the absence of fossiliferous strata deductions as to the age are drawn. The petrology is divided into 2 main parts, the first is purely descriptive petrography of sedimentary and igneous rocks while the second is a discussion of the origin of some of the rocks included under the term spilite as defined by Dewey and Flett.pdfen-NZWhiteman's ValleyGeologyThe Geology of Whitemans Valley and the Genesis of SpilitesText