Carter, Pamela2012-01-192022-10-312012-01-192022-10-3119951995 creativity has been culturally associated with men, and procreativity with women. This separation has resulted in the exclusion of women from fields such as architecture. By addressing three architectural partnerships, Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin, Ray and Charles Eames, and Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas, I will reassert women as creators (as well as procreators). This process also involves redefining the canonical understanding of architecture, as exclusively and ultimately buildings. The boundaries of architecture are questioned, and opened to include the previously 'feminine' and marginalised - drawing, colour, decoration, interior, theory ... The inclusion of the Other enriches architecture, and unravels a world of possibility ...pdfen-NZArchitecture and womenWomen architectsArchitecture philosophyProcreativity, gender, and the making of architectureText