Author Retains CopyrightThanh, Phan Thi Ha2013-07-042022-11-022013-07-042022-11-0220052005, the development of information technology has led to various types of information resources being available for users. In order to provide a quality resource, standards and tools are used for managing information resources. There is currently little information available about how metadata are selected and implemented in New Zealand information services. In this exploratory study, interviews were conducted with managers who have strategic experience of metadata. During the interviews, a range of issues related to selection and application were discussed such as criteria for decision-making and the roles of metadata. This project should be helpful for future research on this topic as well as supporting the development of metadata creation for information management in Vietnam.pdfen-NZ servicesCataloging of electronic information resourcesCataloging of computer network resourcesMetadata for bibliographic control of electronic resources in libraries and information organisations : an exploratory case studyTextAll rights, except those explicitly waived, are held by the Author