Olsen, Stephen Peter2011-07-132022-10-272011-07-132022-10-2720072007https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/25424A first generation Irish-Catholic New Zealander, Patrick Anthony Lawlor lived from 12 February 1893 to 19 January 1979. In his 1935 collection of reminiscences, Confessions of a Journalist, Abbreviated in footnotes to 'COAJ'.For publication details see Selected Bibliographic References, Lawlor boldly affirmed, at the grand old age of 42, that his decade-long connection with a Sydney-based magazine called Aussie was "the most interesting and successful connection"COAJ,p.101 he had with any publication. The chapter in that book devoted to Aussie magazine, and Lawlor's role in producing a New Zealand 'edition' from 1923 to 1931, provided the initial point of departure for this study.pdfen-NZPat LawlorAussie magazineAustralian periodicalsNew Zealand literatureAdjusting the periphery: a study of Pat Lawlor and the 'literary pages' of the New Zealand section of Aussie magazine, 1923 - 1931Text