Rowe, MikeMacaulay, Michael2019-05-132022-07-122019-05-132022-07-1220172017 2007 the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into Police Conduct made 60 recommendations for change; New Zealand Police (NZ Police) had responsibility for 47 of those. In an effort to ensure that the broad package of recommendations were implemented in a meaningful way that would embed reform in a long-term and fundamental manner, CoI recommendation 60 set a 10-year time frame during which the Auditor-General would periodically report to Parliament on Police’s progress against the CoI recommendations. Four such reports have been made. This decade of oversight concludes in 2017 and in anticipation of a final audit by the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG), NZ Police commissioned this review. The central remit of this review is to consider, in broad terms, the extent to which NZ Police has met the 'spirit and intent' of the CoI report and its Police-specific recommendations. This will supplement the work of the Police’s own Commission of Inquiry Executive Oversight Group that has regularly audited progress relating to each individual recommendation.pdfen-NZNew Zealand PoliceCommission of InquiryPolice ConductReview of New Zealand Police’s progress in response to the 2007 Commission of Inquiry into Police ConductText