Whittle, Vanessa Elizabeth2013-07-102022-11-022013-07-102022-11-0219981998https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/29233A case study was carried out to identify the kinds of community information sought in an academic community, and the ways in which this need is met at one particular institution, namely Victoria University of Wellington. Interviews and observations were carried out at several sites which currently supply information. As predicted, community information is fragmented and often very difficult to find, although frequently sought. The value of collecting and disseminating community information from a centralised service would be enormous. The construction of the planned Information Centre in the caretakers' new premises could be a vital step towards such a service if managed well both now and in the future.pdfen-NZVictoria University of WellingtonCommunity information servicesAcademic librariesCommunity information in an academic environment : a case study of Victoria University of WellingtonText