Hemmingson, Jacqueline Ann2010-11-232022-10-252010-11-232022-10-2519621962https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/226711. The methyl iodide/sodium thiophenoxide reaction in aqueous and highly aqueous alcoholic media has been studied and various theories to account for the results have been postulated and tested. 2. The investigation of the variation of the specific rate with solvent composition in methanol/water mixtures, started by Burns has been extended and the curve is compared with that for ethanol/water mixtures and 'methoxylation' in methanol/water mixtures.pdfen-NZChemical kineticsChemistryA Study of the methyl iodide/sodium thiophenoxide reaction in aqueous and highly aqueous alcoholic mediaText