Newlove, Deborah K2011-08-292022-10-302011-08-292022-10-3019921992 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) has been widely used in clinical neuropsychology due to its usefulness in assessing learning and memory and the ease of its administration. Normative data have recently been reported for US samples, however no similar data have been developed for New Zealand. The present study establishes age-specific norms for the RAVLT for a sample of 130 people aged 60 years and older, living in a New Zealand urban community. The sample was divided into five age groups with approximately equal numbers of males and females. RAVLT performance measures were examined including a 30-minute delayed recall trial and a recognition trial. Data analysis showed that overall performance deteriorated with increasing age. These results demonstrate the necessity for establishing age-specific norms. Additionally this study reveals differences from the US normative data indicating the desirability of further developing a full range of RAVLT normative data for New Zealanders. The current study also examines the relationship between RAVLT performance measures and sex, IQ, education and depression.pdfen-NZNeuropsychological testsClinical neuropsychologyPsychologyThe rey auditory verbal learning test: norms for older New ZealandersText