Agar, Nicholas John William2011-07-132022-10-272011-07-132022-10-2719901990 Science takes in a wide range of subdisciplines. Modern Cognitive Scientists work in Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, Computer Science among other areas. In this Thesis I will press the claims of another discipline; that of Evolutionary Biology, to join this club. By way of membership dues it will offer the solution to one of the most troubling problems for investigators of the mind; the riddle of the apparent intentionality, or aboutness of mental states. This thesis will aim to solve the problem by allying the speculations of Naturalistically inclined Philosophers of Mind such as Jerry Fodor, Paul Churchland and Ruth Millikan with the writings of those who investigate theoretical issues in Evolutionary Biology, like Richard Dawkins, Stephen Jay Gould, Philip Kitcher and Elliot Sober.pdfen-NZCognitionEvolutionSemanticsAn evolutionary semanticsText