Tharmatheva, Jenny2012-07-302022-07-052012-07-302022-07-0520112011 research project used a mixed method survey to rank the preference of selection tools used by New Zealand Public Library acquisition librarians for selecting New Zealand subject and New Zealand published material for their library collection and the reasons for their preferences. This research found that for the majority of the research participants, 25-50% of the library collection materials were of New Zealand subject and New Zealand published material. The main selection tools used for sourcing these materials were supplier and publisher catalogues and websites, mainly because they were up to date and the materials were available in New Zealand. The New Zealand National Bibliographic Reports, which the libraries considered authoritative, were their third choice, followed by recommendations by patrons and third party selection of materials through standing orders. The findings in this research may lead publishers and suppliers to collaborate more closely with the National Library to make publisher and supplier websites and catalogues more user friendly and more bibliographically detailed to aid public libraries in their selection of New Zealand publications and New Zealand subject materials.pdfen-NZAcquisitionNew ZealandPublic librariesThe Selection Tools Used for the Acquisition of New Zealand Materials in New Zealand Public LibrariesText