Petrie, Murray2019-05-132022-07-122019-05-132022-07-1220142014 2013 National Integrity System Assessment conducted by Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) has been attracting increased attention recently with the inclusion by the government of a commitment in NZ’s first Open Government Partnership (OGP) National Action Plan to consider and respond to the recommendations in the NIS assessment. This paper is intended to increase understanding of the TINZ National Integrity System Assessment recommendations and the process by which they were produced, and to discuss their implementation in the context of the OGP. The paper is part of a series of IGPS papers on the National Integrity System Assessment and on the Open Government Partnership. This article begins by discussing the key findings from a system-level analysis of the pillars of the National Integrity System; briefly discusses how the NZ findings compare to NIS assessments in other countries; provides an overview of the recommendations and the process by which they were generated; and discusses implementation of the report’s recommendations, in particular through NZ’s membership of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The recommendations in the NIS assessment are reproduced in full in Annex 1.pdfen-NZTransparency in governmentThe TINZ National Integrity System Assessment 2013 and the Open Government Partnership: From findings to recommendations and on to implementationText