Clark, Alan Geoffrey2009-04-142022-10-112009-04-142022-10-1119641964 phenomenom of resistance towards the toxic effects of pesticides has become a problem of considerable weight in the fields of agriculture and hygiene. While considerable progress has been made towards determining the nature of the problem pertaining towards a number of pesticides, elucidation of resistance mechanisms towards the commercial insecticide 'Gammexane' or 'Lindane', has been peculiarly beset by difficulties. This is due, in part, to the manifold nature of this phenomenon; to the physical and chemical properties of the insecticide and to the apparent complexity of its metabolic degradation.pdfen-NZPesticidesPesticide resistanceBiochemistryThe Detoxication of Gamma - 1,2,3,4,5,6 HexachlorocyclohexaneText