Daglish, Toby2015-03-052022-07-072015-03-052022-07-0720152015https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/19259This paper examines switching decisions by households in the MainPower distribution area of New Zealand. The paper measures the extent to which customers switched in response to information about directors’ bonuses, marketing surrounding firm ownership, and work by the New Zealand Electricity Authority to promote switching behaviour. The first two events demonstrate the magnitude of consumer concerns about firm governance in an Electricity market. The latter provides a measure of search costs in a market where no central switching service is provided.pdfen-NZPermission to publish research outputs of the New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation has been granted to the Victoria University of Wellington Library. Refer to the permission letter in record: https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/18870Electricity retail marketsMainPowerCustomer switchingConsumer Governance in Electricity MarketsText