Higham, Philip2011-07-032022-10-262011-07-032022-10-2619881988https://ir.wgtn.ac.nz/handle/123456789/25072Other than satisfying the requirements of the course, this research report has two overall aims. AIM I. From research and a study of the events, both in N.Z. and overseas, leading up to the introduction of N.Z.S. 4121:1985, gain an insight into the issues involved in the question of access to buildings for people with disabilities. With this information as a background, the next step is to examine current theories regarding access rights and look towards future development. AIM II. The second main aim is to gauge the impact of the introduction of N.Z.S. 4121:1985 using a case study. (see chapter 7.00) The sample surveyed for this case study was the high rise office development in Wellington C.B.D. which had permits issued around the time of the introduction of the new code. The Senior Building Inspector (G Sckimming) was also interviewed in an attempt to understand the Council's official position.pdfen-NZBarrier-free designLaw and legislationNew ZealandStandardsPublic buildingsWellingtonAccessibility by law: a study of N.Z.S. 4121:1985, its history and its impact on office development in Wellington city centreText