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A study of the relationship between office building geometry and efficiency of layout

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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington


Office space plays an important part in the profitability of a business. The quality of the space is important to the image, productivity and morale of the organisation and its members. The quantity of space contributes to its quality and the business function, and is important financially, as rent is charged per m2. As the price of office space increases, it becomes increasingly important for businesses to monitor their use of space. A developer or building owner seeks to maximize the rentable area of a building, so that maximum profit can be made from the investment. The tenant or owner/user seeks to minimize the rentable floor area required, by fitting efficiently into the building, without jeopardizing the quality of the accommodation, so that the minimum rent must be paid or sacrificed. In some respects these two desires are opposing, but it is in both their interests that the building has a high proportion of usable floor area. A building in which organisations can fit efficiently, using a minimum floor area, may be more sought-after by tenants than one of otherwise similar quality and price, in which extra space is required. Differences in space requirements may be due to geometric properties of the building shell, such as its size, shape, service core location, and co-ordination of shell elements such as mullions. These building factors can restrict the layout of offices within the building, affecting the quality and/or quantity of spaces.



Office layout, Office planning

