Paperback purchasing : an investigation into acquisitions policies regarding the purchasing of paperback items for adult fiction collections in New Zealand public libraries
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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
This study is an investigation into the acquisitions policies of New Zealand public libraries to examine the processes behind the purchasing of paperback items for adult fiction collections. It involves the analysis of policy documentation and staff description of this process. There is also a small user survey to determine public opinion of the existence of paperbacks in fiction collections. It is found that few public libraries have formal guidelines or criteria for staff in their policies, though most work to unwritten guidelines. The survey shows that users generally have little preference in format so long as the print inside is easily legible. It is suggested that further study be undertaken in this area to determine the true financial benefits and drawbacks of purchasing paperbacks rather than hardback items, and that more library systems consider formalising their unwritten policies to ensure consistency in their purchasing habits over time.
Paperback, Acquisitions, Policy, Fiction