Frederick Giles Gibbs, His Influence on the Social History of Nelson, 1890-1950
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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
I have attempted in this thesis to show the influence of Frederick Giles Gibbs on the social history of Nelson from 1890 to 1950. Only recently has Nelson become a city on its population basis, yet for many years it has had an Art Gallery, School of Music, an Observatory and Museum, institutions which are usually associated with the larger cities. These buildings have been provided for and maintained often by individual citizens. Thomas Cawthron was one who gave his money to many of these institutions. Frederick Giles Gibbs was one who spent his life helping to set up these institutions and maintain them.
Not many people know all the work which Gibbs did for his city. To many Nelsonians to-day F. G. Gibbs probably means the man who showed them the moon and stars at the observatory, but to others he will be remembered as the Headmaster of the Central School, a teacher who took his pupils to the mountains and gave them a love of the outdoors.
Gibbs knew the Nelson district and its problems probably as no other Nelsonian knew them. His wide and practical knowledge enabled him to give definite information of value to scientific and historical investigators. He made provision for the general exploration work in the back country with which he was so familiar.
Frederick Giles Gibbs, 1866-1953, Social History, Nelson, Social conditions