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Personal Knowledge Management: An Analysis of Benefits and Challenges of Using Web 2.0 Technologies at the Individual Level

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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington


This research investigates the benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 technologies (Wikis, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) for personal knowledge management (PKM). It focuses on the challenges and benefits of using these technologies at the individual level to find out how realization of the key benefits and mitigation of challenges can improve personal performance in software engineering companies. This research also investigates the influence of PKM skills proposed by Dorsey (2000) in realising benefits and minimising challenges. Methods of data collection involved semi-structured interviews with three middle level managers and three software developers from four multinational software engineering companies. Qualitative research methods were used for analysing data. To explore benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 technologies for PKM, a general inductive analysis strategy (Thomas, 2006) was used. This approach helped the researcher to derive concepts and themes which emerged from the raw data. Analysis also drew on and extended Dorsey‟s PKM skill model (2000) to identify which benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 technologies can be addressed by PKM skills. Results from this study highlighted three important benefits of using Web 2.0 technologies for PKM: improved time saving, improved collaboration, and improved communication across hierarchical barriers. Ease of use of technologies and ease of organising information were found to be enablers of the technologies for effective management of personal knowledge. Results also showed four important challenges of using Web 2.0 tools for PKM: inaccurate and inappropriate information, lack of participation, lack of knowledge about the nature of technologies, and security sensitive. Findings of this study highlighted the importance of PKM skills to realise benefits of Web 2.0 technologies and minimise their challenges. The benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 technologies have direct impact on individual performances. If employees are aware of these challenges, and have appropriate PKM skills, they will be able to improve their individual performances. The researcher suggests an extension of the Dorsey‟s PKM skill model (2000). Furthermore, in order to enable better understanding about the impact of PKM skills on individual performances using Web 2.0 tools a tentative model is proposed at the end of the study, which needs to be further explored in future studies.



PKM skills, Social media, Enterprise 2.0
