Printing and the book trade in early Nelson
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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
This thesis examines the printing history of the Nelson Examiner, 1842-1874, and the book trade in early Nelson. Chapter I describes the documentary importance of newspapers as sources of historical evidence and sketches a brief history of the Nelson settlement. The technical production of the paper, its design, typography, business organisation and supply of printing accessories are discussed in Chapter II. Chapter III deals with the proprietor, Charles Elliott's, technique of news gathering and management, while Chapter IV provides a case study of Elliott's bookselling and subsidiary investments. This section also discusses other contemporary booksellers in Nelson and explores circulating libraries offered during the period. Chapter V examines Elliott's capital investment and the paper's circulation. An assessment of his income based on advertising in three sample years has led me to conclude that advertising was the mainstay of Elliott's business. Reasons for his ultimate failure are attributed to lack of payment by his subscribers of advertising and subscription bills and to loss of government support.
Booksellers and bookselling, Nelson Examiner, Charles Elliott, Printing, Nelson