Alkaline degradations of picrotoxinin derivatives
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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
These and similar remarks were made during the first flush of enthusiasm heralding the new quantum applications to chemistry. That these hopes were ill founded soon became apparent with the realisation that in real molecules insuperable mathematical difficulties are involved in obtaining a rigorous solution which is a prerequisite in calculating the required information. So the familiar pattern continued, basing conclusions on experimental observations and modification of theory accordingly.
Although Robinson Nature, 1947, 160, 815 has described morphine as the star performer of the team of molecular acrobats, it is felt that the picrotoxin series has strong claims to make on this score. The apparently straightforward substance, picrotoxin, early shown to be an equimolecular compound Sielisch Annalen, 1912, 391, 1, Bakunin and Giordani, Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1924 (iii) 30, 166 of picrotin and picrotoxinin, has proved a very puzzling structural problem, and although known for almost a century and a half, and despite the efforts of many competent workers in the field, it is only now that the solution is finally being obtained.
Organic chemistry, Picrotoxin, Chemistry