Ideals, and their realisation in a community setting
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Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
It is difficult for the historian to pronounce on the question whether the relevance of his contribution to the examination of a small segment of time might extend beyond the chartings of that tiny area itself. And so it. is with this historian in regard to the report below, for he finds it difficult to judge whether another group of' men also driven by an ambition to :form an idealistic community but with a different set of ideals, or even a group with the same ideals but from a later age, would approach their plannings in a manner remotely similar to the one described here under. Certainly though it is hard to see how some, off the issues which our group confronted could be entirely evaded by any group intent on participating in a community life; for example, the problem of how certain situations of conflict should be resolved.
Idealism, Philosophy